**EVERY year we get participants turning up without mandatory gear, and every year we disallow people from participating (no refunds!). Given the extreme environment and risk factors, this is not acceptable to not be prepared and equipped as instructed!

We require participants to take safety very seriously, and in turn ensure they have ALL mandatory gear on them at check in and at ALL TIMES when on course. Anyone checking in without mandatory items will NOT be allowed to participate, noting that there is nowhere on the mountain to purchase anything you have forgotten!**

As this event will take you through the wilderness of Victorias Alpine region you will be required to carry, as a minimum, a range of mandatory gear.

We have put together this list based on having average seasonal temperatures so please treat the mandatory gear list as a the minimum you should carry. It will be your responsibility to ensure you are best prepared for the weather conditions. Weather in the Victorian Alps can change quickly so while you may only want to take the lightest mandatory gear it may not be enough should it get cold.

Mandatory kit – an extensive mandatory kit will be conducted at registration prior to competitors leaving the mountain, if you don't have the gear you won't start. If you leave on race day without mandatory gear you will be disqualified from the event. ALL mandatory gear is their for YOUR safety.
  • Suitable backpack for carrying items below
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket with hood and sealed seams
  • Waterproof and windproof pants with sealed seams
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping mat
  • Long sleeved thermal top and long johns (polypropylene, merino or similar).  Cotton, coolmax, lycra and any compression garment will not be acceptable
  • Beanie/balaclava
  • Windproof gloves
  • Map of the trails, preferably 1:50,000 Buller-Howitt Alpine Area Outdoor Recreation Guide trekking map by Spatial Vision. See NAVIGATION PAGE for where / how to buy online.
  • Course notes (preferably laminated or in a waterproof map case or zip lock bag)
  • Fail Safe Base Plate Compass (Digital or GPS compass is NOT enough)
  • Lighter or waterproof matches
  • Whistle (pea-less)
  • Basic First Aid kit including: emergency space blanket or equivalent; Triangular bandage; personal medicinal requirements; band aids / blister wraps; 10cm elastic bandage for snake bites/sprains. NB: cotton crepe bandages are NOT acceptable.
  • Fully charged mobile phone PLUS minimum 1x portable mini power bank (1 phone per solo runner/2 per team or relay team—Telstra provides the only coverage in patches).
  • pre-loaded Avenza Maps App on your smartphone PLUS the course map downloaded into App. See INSTRUCTIONS HERE for how to organise. 
  • Torch/headlamp PLUS spare batteries. Second back up headlamp preferred.
  • Food—for the run and emergency food if lost
  • Water carrying capacity —minimum 2-litres. More recommended if forecast is hot.
  • Waterproof bag to keep your compulsory clothing dry (plastic bags/zip lock bags or dry sacks are fine)
  • Sunscreen (roll on or tube)
  • Plate, Bowl, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Cup (or combination of. You won't need to carry this, it will go in your drop bag and be transported for you).

REMINDER NOTE: As mandatory, you need to carry a mobile phone, with back up charge battery, with the Avenza Maps App loaded PLUS the course map downloaded into App. See INSTRUCTIONS HERE for how to organise.

NOTE: All teams will be required to supply own tent (two person for both team members), however you will NOT have to carry it. Tents (only) will be transported out to your designated sleepover aid stations. So please be realistic about where you are likely to sleep over. Those who are staying at the first (Lovicks), we will also transport your tent around to Kings for your second night stop. We expect MOST teams will stay over two nights (Friday and Saturday) at Lovicks and Kings Hut. See our guide to expected timings to judge how you think you will fare.
Not mandatory but some stuff we suggest:
  • Hiking/Trekking Poles
  • Gaiters or Moxy's shin guards


  • Suitable backpack for carrying items below 
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket with hood and sealed seams
  • Waterproof and windproof pants with sealed seams 
  • Long sleeved thermal top and long johns (polypropylene, wool or similar).  Cotton, coolmax, lycra and any compression garment will not be acceptable
  • Beanie/balaclava
  • Windproof gloves
  • Map of the trails, preferably 1:50,000 Buller-Howitt Alpine Area Outdoor Recreation Guide trekking map by Spatial Vision. See NAVIGATION PAGE for where / how to buy online.
  • Course notes (preferably laminated or in a waterproof map case or zip lock bag) 
  • Fail Safe Base Plate Compass (Digital or GPS compass is NOT enough)
  • Lighter or waterproof matches
  • Whistle (pea-less) 
  • Basic First Aid kit including: Triangular bandage; personal medicinal requirements; band aids / blister wraps; 10cm elastic bandage for snake bites/sprains. NB: cotton crepe bandages are NOT acceptable. 
  • Bivvy Sack (click here for an ideal sample)
  • Fully charged mobile phone PLUS minimum 1x portable mini power bank (1 phone per solo runner/2 per team or relay team—Telstra provides the only coverage in patches).
  • pre-loaded Avenza Maps App on your smartphone PLUS the course map downloaded into App. See INSTRUCTIONS HERE for how to organise. 
  • Torch/headlamp PLUS spare batteries. Second back up headlamp preferred. 
  • Food—for the run and emergency food if lost
  • Water carrying capacity —minimum 2-litres. More recommended if forecast is hot. 
  • Waterproof bag to keep your compulsory clothing dry (plastic bags/zip lock bags or dry sacks are fine) 
  • Sunscreen (roll on or tube) 
Not mandatory but some stuff we suggest:
  • Hiking/Trekking Poles
  • Gaiters or Moxy's shin guards

TWO DAY SOLO INVITATIONAL RUNNERS (there is no layover option for one day solo and multi day miler runners) will be required to bring the following gear however you will not be required to carry it with you. It will be transported to Lovicks Hut for you to use at teh end of day one..

  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping mat
  • Small Tent - Max 2 person tent as shown. Larger tents will not be transported for competitors. example tent
This following gear won't be accepted so please don't include this in you mandatory kit:

If you bring this equipment, and don't have suitable mandatory gear, you will NOT be permitted to start until you do.

  • Water resistant jackets/over-pants
  • Jacket without a hood
  • “Skins” or equivalent are not acceptable as thermal top/bottom
  • Non elasticised snake bite bandage less than 10 cm

Be Aware

  • There will be mandatory gear check at random checkpoints. If you are not carrying the mandatory gear you will be detained at the checkpoint until you can access the required gear. If you cannot obtain the required gear you will not be allowed to continue and you will be removed from the event. This list of equipment has been put together to protect you and protecting you is something we take very seriously.
  • When you finish: We strongly recommend that you leave a drop bag at the finish line with a change of warm clothes. Temperature drops quickly on the mountain and one you stop racing you body temperature will drop even quicker.


Event Rules - Please take the time to read

All rules are in place for the safety of all competitors, volunteers and event team.

  1. You must complete the marked course on foot under your own power in your team of two. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:
    * This is a team event so you are NOT to leave your team mate on course at ANYTIME
    * You must arrive at each checkpoint as a team. If you arrive more than 5 minutes apart at any checkpoint you will be withdrawn from the event.
    * No team is to split up, or continue as a solo competitors, without approval from the Race Director and without a rented spot trackers
    * If a team member is injured, or unable to continue, the remaining team member may be allowed to continue only if they have rented a spot tracker and have the approval of the Race Director
    * Team Competitors who continue as solo participants must join, and remain with, another team for the duration of the event. Once that team has been joined the solo competitor must remain with them at all time. The Race Director must be notified of the team joined prior to the solo competitor continuing.
    * Teams are not allowed to swap team member with out the approval of the Race Director and the rental of a spot tracker
  2. * Any teams not adhering to these rules will be removed from the course.
  3. Trekking poles are permitted to be used on the course.
  4. If you use trekking poles they must be fully collapsible so they can either fit inside your pack or be strapped to the outside of your pack when not in use.
  5. Your race number must be visible at all times. It must be on the outside of your clothing at all times and on the front of your body over your belly or chest. It must never be worn on your pants or leg. Do not cover over your race number with any backpack strap or article of clothing.
  6. You must not fold, cut or change your race number in any way. It must be worn as is, unfolded.
  7. The wearing of iPods or other music players with headphones is not recommended on the course. This is both for your safety, the safety of others. Also you must switch off music at all checkpoints so you can hear directions given to you by event marshals, you must switch off music when travelling on any roads so you can hear approaching traffic and you must switch off music when on any cliff sections of the course such as near Crosscut Saw so you don't cause yourself or someone else to get pushed off the edge. So while you may use iPods it is up to you to use them in a sensible and safe manner so that you remain aware of your surroundings at all times.
  8. If you withdraw from the event, you must sign the withdrawal form at the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by First Aid crews). You can then work with the Aid Station Crew Chief to arrange logistics of transport back to Mt Buller.
  9. If you need First Aid help on the course you must use the phone numbers on your Participant Emergency Instructions Card to contact event organisers who will arrange to retrieve you.
  10. You must stay on the marked course. Short cuts are not permitted. If you get lost, return to the last sighted marking. Don’t cut corners…. Its cheating
  11. You must carry your own Mandatory Gear at all times during the event. Random gear checks will be performed during the event. Any participant without the mandatory gear will not be able to proceed until they arrange for the missing item to be replaced. For the sake of fairness to other runners there will also be a penalty ranging from a minimum time penalty of 2 hours per item to disqualification based on the severity of the breach. Take special note of what to do with your fleece top and waterproof pants.
  12. You must obey directions of checkpoint staff or course marshals at all times and withdraw from the race if you miss any time cut-offs at checkpoints or on course.
  13. Littering is strictly prohibited. We want to leave no trace so we are welcome back the following year.
  14. You must not leave human faeces on the track. If you need to poo either use a toilet or a wag bag or follow Leave No Trace principles.
  15. If you leave the track to go to the toilet, you must leave your backpack to one side of the trail where you exited into the bush. This is so if you get lost, we can find your backpack and know where to start our search.
  16. You must not take dogs into National Parks.
  17. You must not smoke in the National Park
  18. You must obey any information signs such as track closures, etc.
  19. In training you must stay out of any out of bounds areas.
  20. Leave gates as you find them. If closed, you may open a gate to pass through but it is your responsibility to close the gate after you.
  21. The participant is responsible for the actions of their support crew. Support crews must comply with all instructions from event staff and officials. The participant may be penalised or disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their support crew.
  22. Support crews must obey all road rules and drive within the speed limits. Please ensure that support crew get sufficient rest and are not tired when driving.
  23. Support crews must follow the instructions of all checkpoint staff, road marshals and road traffic controllers.
  24. Support crews must not eat the provided food at checkpoints. The food is for the competitors only.
  25. Support crews are responsible for their own vehicles and any damage that may occur.
  26. Support crews are limited to one vehicle per participant. This vehicle needs to be suitable for the conditions as much of the course access will be on 4WD tracks.
  27. The event organisers are not responsible for the safety or whereabouts of support crew.
  28. The event organisers reserve the right to discourage and/or penalise behaviour that is considered unsporting.
  29. Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty, disqualification or pre-race withdrawal. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final.