Prevention is Better than Cure

Two simple concerns can really make or break this event for you. Here are so simple tips to help you avoid blisters and chafe.

The Dreaded Blisters

One of the main reasons people fail to complete ultra marathon event si BLISTERS. Blisters can be so easy to get yet they can also be so easy to avoid. Here are some tips to help you avoid these dreaded, painful pests:

Footware – Make sure they are worn in, the right size and laced correctly. At some point its likely you’ll get wet feet so you’ll want footware that can drain. They will want ot be comfortale yet sturdy and we recommend you have a spare pair with your support crew. Training is a great time to fins the shoe that will work for you and what ever you do….. DON”T WEAR BRAND NEW SHOES FOR THE RACE

Socks – Like your shoes test these out during training. Different feet prefer different socks and as you’re going o spend a lot of time in them best they be comfortable. We suggest you look for w sock that has really good wicking in it so it draws the misture away from your feet. This will help prevent bisters. So once you find the sock that’s right for you get a few pairs so you can wear them before the event but not so much that you wear them out.

Consider Strapping Your Feet – Strapping your feet can be a great way to avaoid blisters. Done correctly, and by someone who knows what they are doing strapping is a great way to avoid the continuous rubbing you’re about to subject your feet to. We suggest you see a qualified podiatrist to get the best method. We have seen some strapping efforts that have done more damage than good and no one needs that.

Get Your Feet in Order – There are some really simple things you can do to help avoid blisters like making sure your feet are kept in good condition. Kept your nail clipped, no one wants cut toes due to long nails. Also keep those callouses at bay. With training you’ll develop these in high blister risk areas and while a little callous may help they can also hinder.

Chafing – Anyone who has ever had chafing will know its is something you don’t want to get. Good news is it can be pretty simple to prevent.

Chafe develops as a result of friction. This friction come from the fabric of your clothing continuously rubbing against the surface of your skin causes skin irritation and abrasions. Most of all it can be very painful. Some easy ways to help avoid chafe are:

  • Bandaids – These are great for covering nipples which will help stop these weather gauges rubbing against your clothes. Perfect little device for helping to avoid bleeding nipples
  • Compression gear and base layers – Seamless compression gear or lycra is a great way to help avoid chafe. This non-natural fibre can provide a great barrier between your outer clothing and your skin which will help reduce the change of chafe.
  • Lotions and Potions – There are some barrier creams that are available in the market place. We suggest your try some of these products out in training to find one that works for you. Our advice is to carry a tube with you during the event and apply often. Especially focus on high risk areas such as the groin, under arms, around the neck and on your back.